

reflect on your daily life

Surprisingly many people are suffering from chronic tiredness and losing their compassion for others in their daily lives today. The very first step to start living mindfully and peacefully is to be conscious of the condition of yourself and to accept it as it is without judgment.


Now check your daily activities that can accelerate your brain exhaustion and also check if you are living a life of peace of mind:


How was it? I think the questions rang a bell more or less for you. However, it will be impossible to remove all your exhaustion and stress from your everyday life. Likewise, it doesn’t sound realistic to take care of everything mindfully and gently as we live an extremely busy life in the modern society.


So why don’t you start with a small step if you want to improve your inner peace and reduce your stress? On that point, cha-link will help you meditate yourself in daily tea time at home and at work without special preparation.


Now your next action is to go and choose your favorite tea in the kitchen!


Here are some suggestions to find a best tea for your cha-link practice in Farm Stories.



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